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New COVID-19 Procedures

Although residential moves have been considered as an essential business by New York State,  360 Degree Moving has instituted new safety precautions and procedures for the health and well-being of our employees and customers. Below are the new policies in place for 360 Degree Moving.


In lieu of having our estimators come into your home to provide you with an in-home estimate, we are moving forward with instituting virtual video estimates. The Virtual Video estimate will allow our customers to record videos of each room of their home and upload it to us via a personal link specifically assigned to you. Once received, our estimators will review the video and contact you with any questions. You will receive a guaranteed binding price quote based on the items submitted through the video. You can also contact us in the event you need assistance with taking a video for the virtual estimate.  

Virtual Moving Estimates
360 Degree Moving Virtual Estimates
High Risk Customers

If you are listed as “High Risk” for COVID-19 as stated by the CDC guidelines, we request that you have a representative on move day who does not fall into the “High Risk” category. This is to take extra steps and precautions for those who are most vulnerable. You can review CDC’s guidelines here:

360 Degree Moving - Virtual Estimate
360 Degree Moving- COVID 19 Update
Moving Day Safety Procedures           
  1. The foreman of the move will meet with the customer (no handshaking) and conduct a pre-walk through of the move while keeping a distance of at least 6 feet. During this time the other movers will remain outside of the home. To be readily prepared, we ask our customers to review our “Prepping for Move Day” information sheet.

  2. Once the pre-walk through is conducted, customers will be required to gather all personal and valuable belongings and asked to leave the home for the duration of the load up

  3. The movers will sanitize their hands before entering the home and working. We ask our customers to have soap and water available so our movers can periodically wash their hands throughout the move. In the event you have to enter the home for any reason while the movers are working, we ask that you practice social distancing and remain at least 6 feet away from the movers.

  4. Once the load up is completed and the movers are out of the home, we will contact the customer to meet the foreman to do a walk through of the home before departing to the drop off location.

  5. Once we arrive at the drop off location, we will follow steps one through three.

  6. Once the drop off is completed and before departing, a final walk through will be conducted with the foreman and the customer to ensure the move has been completed as requested.   

NOTE: It is the customer’s responsibility to disinfect all furniture and the home after delivery.

Virtual estimate contact form

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360 DEGREE MOVING     Your Expert Rockland County Moving Company   1-844-360-6683
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